Every Catholic, whether priest, religious or layman, should rejoice because "all of his talents, knowledge, studies, power, nobility, profession, art, earthly goods, service, prayers used for the propagation of faith and rekindling of charity in the world can acquire the merit of the apostolate”- St. Vincent Pallotti.
The congregation of the Priests and Brothers is called ‘the Society of the Catholic Apostolate’ known as SAC (Societas Apostolatus Catholici). When Pallotti died on January 22, 1850 Society was in its infancy stage. By the year 1869 there were only ten priests and four Brothers. But, today by the grace of God it has nearly 39 entities and the total membership roughly 2400.It first began in Italy 1835 by Pallotti along with some diocesan priests who were willingly came forward to work with our founder. After the death of Pallotti it slowly began to spread England, United States of America, Germany, Brazil, Cameroon Argentina, Uruguay, Belgium, Scotland, Ireland, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland, Spain Portugal, Croatia, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, India, South Korea, Papua New Guinea, Australia, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Congo, Rwanda, Ivory Coast, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Belize, Mexico.
SOME OF THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE PALLOTTINES ALL OVER The Pallottines are pioneers in the fields of lay apostolate and in re- awakening among the people of God a sense of their Christian vocation. Lay groups are present in almost all the places where the Pallottine Fathers and Brothers work. The Pallottines by virtue of their charism engage themselves in all apostolic works, but in special way in those areas where most others would be reluctant to tread like:
The pioneering work of the Australian Pallottines among the aboriginals. The German Pallottines’ well- recognised chaplaincy services to the military, police prisons and industrial plants. The South African Pallottines’ missionary work in establishing schools, medical service centres, orphanages and Christian communities in the interior and often out - of - reach areas. Pallottines’ often unrewarding work in Uruguay where the state recognizes the church as just one club among others.They are second to none in the field of journalistic activities. The Polish Pallottines and German Pallottines are known for their Christian literature publications which have a large readership. The Pallottines in Poland organized a nationwide Vocation Aid Group with the membership of more than 20 Religious Congregations. Today the group is well known for its initiatives in promoting vocations to religious and diocesan seminaries. This is the characteristic feature of the Pallottines that they are willing to co-operate with any group or congregation for promoting the common good of the church.